Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Road Trips

 I guess the option of considering reopened events are now part of our plans since the restrictions have softened. And i guess the Casinos must be pleased to welcome customers again.  I noticed that construction has resumed on the new Casino they are building in North Bay which ceased work when the Covid 19 struck. it was supposed to open in July 2020 but i wonder now when it will actually open. The outer building is complete so they must be working inside , and the outside areas such as the parking lot etc are still not done. Not that i think we shall actually go rushing up there but it was on my mind at the time especially since we had gone a few times on the Seniors Bus to Orillia to Casino Rama.  

Lots of work here still in the yard and gradually I chip away at cleaning up a bit and trying to get rid of some of the litter but it will be a slow process. But I am trying and that is the main thing. Too easy to become completely reticent about things so i try to continue being active. I am enjoying the kale still and lots and lots of tomatoes. Yesterday I had to make a batch of choc chip cookies - you know the feeling or the mood that drives you to have to have something and my go to is usually these cookies. Shame on me....😁

I had to go to the Bank yesterday to enquire about an ongoing difference between my balance and the bank balance. I had to make an appt and the first one available is for Friday at 2 pm - are they that busy??? I think I know the problem, but still have to make sure..

So on with the day. Hope you are able to catch up with your sleeping Pati. I know that feeling and still find myself laying in bed in the middle of the night with eyes wide open. What can one do but lay there and listen to the radio haha! Time for a coffee...Take care

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