Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Unsettled and a road trip

 My mood has been unsettled for the past couple of days.  Don't know, why other than that my physical abilities are showing the stress of three very active days.  Monday we had planned to clean out the fridge, considering that it needed cleaning and that there was grocery shopping planned.  Instead, David dropped me off at Starbucks around 11:00, with me having forgotten my book in the car, while he went to the Bulk Barn.  Could have kicked myself when I realized.  So I got my coffee and dozed a bit under an umbrella outside, waiting for him, when he drove up and dropped the book off with me, while he ran another errand. We were sitting with our drinks, when we talked a bit and decided to spend the afternoon at the South Beach Casino.  A nice drive out, looking forward to the afternoon.  Got there with our Vaccination cards in hand, when David realized he didn't have his driver's license, for photo ID.  They let him in after verifying that he had something with the correct address on it.

The next few hours were very disappointing.  We had a lunch that pleased neither of us, but gave us something to eat ( By this time it was 2:00) Then we explored the casino.  It is a fairly big one.  Very few of the machines that we had enjoyed before, were there, but rather they had been replaced with very large, very noisy machines with lots of flashing lights.  We ultimately found 3 games to play, but were ready to head home by 4:30--with me driving.  I was tired, and scared, and it showed, but we made it back to the city, and stopped for a quick supper at the food court at the local mall.  By the time we got home, it was about 8:00.  Time to relax, and read for awhile before bed.

After not sleeping very well at all, it was time for a quick breakfast, and to drive David to the local MPI Centre for a replacement driver's license.  Then home, about 1 1/2 hours reading, and then David cleaned the fridge with me providing a bit of moral support and washing a few bins and baskets. Then it was back to bed for while.  It's now 8:00, and I've been up since about 4:30, just sort of drifting along.  This is not good!  But maybe things will be better tomorrow with a better night's sleep, even if I need to promote that with a bit of brandy.  Actually the brandy may prove to be the best part of the day.

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