Friday, March 12, 2010

Be - Such varied lives and adventures...

... it is so much fun for me to read all your messages as I can envision in my mind everything you are doing. Cathy you have had two wonderful weeks off to enjoy - this should hold in your mind as a nice distraction to work for a least another two weeks, shouldn't it?
You complain about so much curling on TV and I sit here wishing I could see even one game. Now with the different channels available especially TSN and BOLD taking over much of the sports events, those of us with only rabbit ears and only two channels from which to choose are left with few options. Within a years time we will have no options and will be forced to get satellite, or Bell or whatever is available digitally as the ability to pick up TV frequencies as we do now, will be blocked.
It has been a busy week with the good weather and the greenhouse and planting gearing up quickly. The greenhouse is absolutely full with seedlings - some tomatoes have needed to be replanted into individual pots and are about one foot tall. Some of the cucumbers are already trailing. Actually we are ahead of season and things are growing too quickly especially if we get another snow storm or two which is quite likely. But I love this wonderful weather and can almost see the snow melting away- can see all the dog poop in its full glory spread all over the yard from its winter resting place. Always one of my favourite chores in the Spring.
Wishing Patty a great "holiday" away for her special day, and for Cathy to have a successful billet with Valdy- enjoy his show. Take care XX

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