Saturday, March 27, 2010

Coming to the surface again.

Since last weekend, David has been very ill. As usual when he gets a cold, it has settled in his chest. So he has spent a lot of time just vegging out in front of the tv or computer, or else sleeping. I just remained available to fetch and carry, but I've been trying to fight it off as well--more successfully than he. Took Loren grocery shopping on Wednesday. This time to Superstore, as he has the children for all of Spring Break, and had a large shopping to do. I was amazed to find out how very different the Supestore in his part of town, when compared to the one around here, where we shop. It was almost a pleasure to shop with him, far fewer people, and we found several things that I've never seen in mine. He was exhausted after our trip, but only had about 1 1/2 hours before he had to pick up the children. He says he's finding that reduced tolerance is his biggest problem. That was really the highlight of my week. The rest of the time I spent either in the studio, accomplishing next to nothing, or tending to domestic matters.

Monday I plan to help hang a show at the at gallery in Selkirk. We are worried about not getting enough "stuff" to make a good show, so I've been very busy trying to finish a few things that were "in progress". As a result, my hands are sore, and I'm not sure how much further I can go without a giving them a rest. David has asked that we not have the little girls over for supper tomorrow, so I may head out to Dianne's for some "r&r". I feel the need.

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