Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Be - Thoughts of long ago

Isn't it wonderful that we have flashes of good times from long ago. I often think about happy remembrances - I guess it takes the "dismal" out of my daily life. I especially remember the Lake - at Boundary Park we walked and picked hazelnuts off the tree. I believe it is to Victoria Beach where you drive towards it and at some point on the road you look ahead and all you see is water. I cannot picture Grand Beach without the sand dunes. Did the water rise to cover it all, or was the sand swept back to the lake, and if so, what is left of the beach area - is it now rocks? It was to Patricia Beach where I remember going more frequently with Mom and Dad. Equally beautiful with long sandy beaches - I guess it, too, must be damaged.
I went to curling last night and actually played for the first time. I also had a terrible fall trying to sweep - it happened so quickly and I was flat on the ice. Caused a great commotion but fortunately no damage except perhaps my dignity! Besides that, I was able to throw the rocks and sweep not too badly after years and years (how about decades) of being away from it. Today though, I have to admit I am a little sore. I wonder if I made a wise choice to sign up for the league when I could really hurt myself, but it is nice to get out and see people. One lady asked me if I was new to the area, and I responded, ...no, I was new to getting out !
The snow is still thick on the ground after the storm on the weekend and I wonder if it will go away, or is this the real start to winter. We only had 22 kids at our door Hallowe'en night - we had candy bags made up for 160 - in years past we have had well over 100 but things are changing. Of course, it was also below freezing and snow on the ground which was likely the major reason. So today we dropped into Mikes with bags of little chocolate bars, and licorice nibs. He said with all his friends, and at work, he could "move it".
Harry spoke with Mothers Red Cross homemaker tonight and after over two months off, she will be starting back again tomorrow. So part of my "duties" will be removed, but apparently NOT the bathing. Mother will not allow anyone to help her except me. She cannot manage safely alone, nor is it safe even for me to assist her in and out of the tub so I refused to help her do this. So I brought a bath bench and faucet hose with attached spray and for the first attempt with this method, it worked out so now I am designated to assist her regularly. She refuses to have the homemaker help her, so it leaves little choice for me.
Well, bed time. Hope all is well with everyone??? Take care

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