Saturday, November 20, 2010

Be - yes, life goes on..

and I have missed most of this week. On Tueday I got sick and have been not well since then. gastrointestinal in nature and I'm now well into my fourth day with diarrhea which is untoward. I normally do not get ill so this is uncommon for me - I'm thinking some sort of bug or food poisoning but cannot think what could be the culprit. Of course, life goes on including the regular trip to Mothers Thursday and my Eye appt Friday. As it turns out I had laser sx in both eyes again. He tells me that the vitrius in both eyes is still pulling badly and a high risk to tear anytime. Oh, good!! My pupils are still not back to normal size yet but much better than yesterday - I just gave up trying to function and went to bed were I stayed until this morning. Harry has gone to an auction and I'm trying to clean up a bit.
Thought I'd write a quick note to let you know I'm still here. Sounds as if Patty is having the most fun right now - good for you. Unless you are holding out on us Cathy???? Take care

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