Thursday, May 26, 2011

Be - A loving cat on my lap

I just logged on and here comes the old cat wanting up on my lap. It is curled up and purrrrring and has it's little front paws caressing my neck - no claws out though - just wants some attention. I think I told you some time ago that I treasure every moment it wants to give me as it is 16 years (or so) and who knows how much longer it will be with me. I went into edit Patty and thanks for the tip. I found that message and on second read, I guess it wasn't quite as interesting as I thought. So I guess if I can access all those messages in edit, then you can also read them if you wanted. Rainy days right now, so not much in the way of yard work. Busy at Mothers though, and not getting any easier. C'est la vie... We have decided we absolutely need to get the roof shingled this year so I must make the arrangements and ask around and get a few quotes. Will be hard to schedule it so not to disturb Harry' garden and plants but I may not have any choice in the timing. Harry has arranged with the neighbour across from his Mothers to get her garage done this summer. The shingles he ordered are already sitting in his driveway and he says he will do it as soon as he can. I have arranged to meet my old friend from work, Sue, next Wed for lunch - hope nothing will prevent the luncheon to go ahead - it may be a nice break for me. Take care.

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