Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I am finally into my week off. The garden is planted; I have cleaned most of the house (until we had visitors with 3 un-disciplined children); We have transplanted a tree to replace the one the twister got; I cheated on the office.. cardboard boxes all the way; AND.... we are having the next ACT Board meeting here. If people want to come on Saturday night they can sleep 2 to a bed. Things have been hectic at Viscount again. I guess we are firing our new program director today. She is prone to uncontrolled emotional outbursts where she yells at people, throws things and cries. Not a good public face when you are trying to rebuild an organizations reputation. It also seems that the last 2 employees managed to spend over $20,000 in one month. We don't have that kind of money!!! And I am supposed to be incoming president? Hopefully we can get things figured out soon. Other than that life goes on. I have been sleeping in every morning and not getting up until 7:30 or 8:00. I think my body was in need of the sleep, because I am sure feeling a lot better than I have been. It helps that things are going so much better at work. We are having a walking challenge this summer. We had our healthy kick off on Friday with Salad (Taco Salad!) Veggies (and dip) and fruit (with sweet dip) and, of course, cookies. Totally nutritious. We all have pedometres and we are recording our weekly steps taken. I write mine down every night and then reset the pedometre. It is surprising how far you walk in one day just doing daily things. On Friday, from 9:30 to 3:30, without leaving the office I walked over 2 miles! To bad the challenge didn't start until 3:30 on Friday. I changed my clothes on Saturday and forgot to put it back on, so I only had 1/2 a days steps, but still quite a few. Jim is outside working already. It is meat day, so we have to be in town by 2 pm and probably won't leave until after 6. I am going to take some VCC grant stuff to work on while I am there. Kristy and I are doing the Craft Sale this year and she has already gone through all the applications and assigned tables, and set up a data base. What a worker! I sure hope we have VCC support staff to help us by then. Have a great week

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