Wednesday, December 28, 2011

In the deep freeze

Wow! almost 30 below with wind chill and I was outside shovelling snow after the storm of yesterday. The ploughs this morning really dumped it in the driveway and it was heavy snow which gave me a real good workout. I needed some exercise, and just in case that wasn't  enough, I took a long walk today to check the mail, and buy lottery tickets. And all afternoon I was sorting through game cards from boxes and boxes in Mike's cupboard. But I had time to make an apple crisp with some apples that were badly in need of some attention (there goes all that exercise haha). We will likely go to Sprucedale tomorrow to check on the mail, and other things and bring a bit of garbage back. The garage is too cold to do any work right now and we really need Harry's sister to come and pick up some of her stuff before we can do much more in the house. I was able to watch Zorro last night and had a very nice evening of it. I forgot how funny it was, and so had a few good laughs, and anything with Anthony Hopkins and for that matter also Antonio Banderas is worth the watch, right? Hope you had a good trip Patty and that the roads and weather were OK – not to mention the shopping! Take care for now.

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