Sunday, May 12, 2013


I don't own a bike, but I did walk around the trail.  Unfortunately, the late spring did nothing to kill off the wood ticks.  I was cleaning my bathtub this morning, but I actually hurt my wrist trying to push the lid off of the draino.  I figured that was a sign from the gods that I shouldn't clean the tub.  I also noted that 649 went to Winnipeg, so I guess Beth's system didn't work.  Oh well.  Next time.  Jim took me out for supper last night.  It was very good.  Tonight, Rrain is coming over and we are have a beer can chicken on the bbq.  I have been craving that.  April's kids bought me a "grammas" day present.  A miniature rose.  It is really quite beautiful.  I don't think it is hardy enough for our climate, but if I put it in a large planter I can bring it in over winter. The roses are creamy white, with peachy/pink edges. The nights have been freezing here, but the forecast for the next week is much better.  Nothing below zero.  It should be coming your way soon, Beth.  One more week and I am off work for a week.  It is my annual week for "spring cleaning"  I try to get at least one major project done each day.  Then, if I don't feel like working anymore, I don't.  I find it easier to deal with the mess when I give myself a "reward" for dealing with part of it.  I usually get a lot done.  Even if there is mess left, I know it is "clean" mess.  Jim has started puttering again, too.  He fixed the leak in the bathtub and replaced the plug on the stove.  He has been over the lawn with the fingers and cleaned up some pine needles.  The chain saw is out and oiled up.... summer is coming.  Since I have given up on the tub, all I have left today is cleaning off the kitchen table and vacuuming the living room.  Anything else I do is bonus work.  Next week will be all outside again as the weather is not supposed to be so cold and windy.   Enjoy the week.

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