Friday, May 3, 2013

Yikes....a sunburn on my arms

I would never have believed the struggle through this past winter would end but it has and I have the sunburn on my arms to prove what glorious weather is here. Lots of yard work today with lots accomplished as well. The problem is that there is so much to do, that you end up doing a little bit of this, and then notice another thing so go and do that, and then another thing and on and on it goes. I even took the bicycle out to the lottery store, not once but twice! I expect I shall not be able to walk tomorrow but what a thrill I had today flying down the street with sheer abandon. One needs a little exitement like this every now and then haha. Hoping your snow will disappear quickly Cathy so that you, too, can enjoy the outdoors soon.Rhubarb and asparagus are growing fast, and a full bed of garlic planted last fall is about a foot tall already. I don't eat this but Harry will enjoy, I'm sure. I will have my raspberries and the bushes are greening up nicely. Both my rose bushes survived the winter and the clematis has little bits of green on the branches so I expect they also will be really good this year. another thing that is growing back is my wild rose bushes - I cut them back two years ago because they were unmanageable, but I see a few sprouts coming again this year. I love them and they remind me of Manitoba so glad they decided to reappear! anyway - time to fly. I received my new replacement Kobo ereader in the mail today so I think I shall try to connect it and see if my already purchased books reappear as well. Take care

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