Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Another opportunity taken

Despite my vow to never enter a craft sale again, the opportunity arrived quite out of the blue, and was too good to pass up. This is a home-based sale with vendors carefully selected by the home owner.  An opening came up, and she called and asked if I would join them.  There is no table fee, but rather, I've been asked to pay a very reasonable percentage of my sales, up to a specific maximum amount.  Others have paid this maximum up front, and it is being used to cover the costs of a more professional advertising campaign, mainly on-line.  Since I don't have an on-line presence, I couldn't really contribute to this in any way.  I've also been asked to bring a plate of dainties, so that guests can be offered a small refreshment.  This appears too good to pass up.  It also fits very nicely into my strategy of accepting opportunity when it knocks, rather than ignoring it, as I have so often in the past.

David was in for his one month review of his CPAP usage, today.  The print out of the usage pattern showed a very definite improvement with the new pillow we bought him last week.  So things are going well, although he did change to a different mask, today.

This was our last appointment for awhile, and I think we're both ready for a few quiet days at home.

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