Thursday, November 9, 2017

Forced Inside....

I too, pulled out the book Stellar Journeys and had a quick browse. Mine is also signed to me. The patterns we drafted are there as well. I did nothing with it although I have a feeling that if I were to read it now with a few years experience behind me, I just may glean something exciting that I would not have years ago.  I think the Show will be about Flying Geese if I read the trailer right, as it showed her drafting in that fashion.
I was forced inside today because of the blowing blizzard that came upon us (it was forecast but I chose to believe it would not happen) Up to that point though I was going like gangbusters. Too bad it is all covered with snow now.  Poor Bailey did not like his outing tonight - I put on a little jacket we bought him but that quickly got shaken off, and then the snow was getting too deep for him to manoeuvre. Fortunately he got down to business real quick in our yard so the walk was brought to an abrupt end.  I will have to dig out my old boots and some warmer winter wear. 
I am off for my bath now ( not that that is of interest to you haha!) and poured the last of the Honey Wine that the neighbour Ruth gave me for looking after her rabbit - I have really been rationing it.
Take care folks.  Here comes the shoveling, here comes the shoveling, much to my dismay la la la la! 

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