Monday, October 4, 2010

Be - programing phones and other high tech stuff..

Well, I could not program the new phone we got for Mother - spent all weekend much to my dismay and great frustration. Like I really needed this confirmation of my ineptitude on top of everything else?? I called the company from Mothers this morning - it is in Tennasee - and they stated that the booklet that comes with the phone is not adequate and they will mail me a set of detailed printed instructions. OK! So maybe I am not so dumb. At the same time, I asked them about the problem we were having with Mothers current phone ( same brand name) and so I pulled out those instructions and was able to rectify the issue. Long story short - she keeps her current phone and we now own the new phone.
Tomorrow is the first violin lesson for me to start the fall session. I have not been able to dedicate much time to practice and I am sure that will be evident but I shall go anyway. I need something to hang on to.
Short but sweet note for now.......take care.

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