Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Be - Quick before the wind blows me away...

The winds are certainly strong and gusting just like the forecast predicted. Fortunately so far there is no precipitation to go along with it. Lots of blackouts all over a very broad geographic area. The power keeps flickering and will go out just long enough to make the electric clocks flash and the computer to go off. So I shall make this note short. I see that south western Manitoba has been blasted with snow so I imagine Cathy has been affected but not sure if Winnipeg has yet? I have worn shawls my whole life. I love them and never realized that they might have gone out of fashion and are now back in fashion. I have two white knitted ones, and also several woolen coloured ones I wear with my winter coat. I wore the white ones at work because it was always cold sitting at the computer so you have the right idea Patty to throw one around your shoulders. Maybe you could knit yourself another in your spare moments - better still have you thought of setting up a loom, and weaving? On the other hand, just go shopping!
Annual Doctors appt today, which included the usual probbing but also a flu vaccine and I am starting to feel sore now. Also she delighted me by saying I am soon due for another colonoscopy. Who said my life wasn't fun! She cautioned me that on a daily basis I am over on what is acceptable for number of coffees, and on a weekly basis I am over what is acceptable for number of glasses of wine! So I am in a quandry now - what should I do about it?
Anyway, take care for now.....

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