Saturday, January 21, 2012

Very quiet

It's just been one of those "nothing" weeks.  We sit at home, eat out of the freezer, and are very thankful that we don't have to get up and go to work in the mornings.  I had to go out Wednesday evening to a quilters' guild meeting ( sn-o-o-o-o-ze) and the driving was very, very scarey.  Everywhere was a sheet of ice.  That was the day that a car was in an accident on the Disraeli Bridge and drove through the guardrail and onto the river ( fatal fall).  I only had to drive south on Lagimodiere and traffic was quite comfortable driving between 50 and 60 km instead of the usual 85-100km. By yesterday the driving was a little better when David took me to an embroidery store and I bought four little packages of beads (  Highlight of the week!!)

Now, cabin fever doesn't usually kick in until mid-February.  It just shows how spoiled we are this year with the warm December---we don't know what to do with ourseves when it gets cold!  We even drove across the street to the library Thursday.  We came out with a huge shopping bag full of books--hoping it will last the week.  A new one by Elizabeth George--about 2 inches thick and I'm half way through already.  I do like her books, but they are few and far between. Then yesterday we ( the Royal "We")  baked sourdough bread.  "We" haven't done that in over a year, although we made some fruitbread for Christmas morning. I'm sure I'll see the results at the scale.

Today I plan to work in the studio.  I have to keep two or three projects going so that I can pace the hand work.  My horoscope says that I will have a restless day.  " All dressed up and no place to go" is how it was phrased.  I hate days like that!  I get really cranky.

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