Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Decision day

I saw my doctor today.  We had a chat about how I was managing my arthritis.  I told him that the orthopedic surgeon had suggested a couple of drugs that seemed to be helping.  My main question to him was whether I was actually in good enough shape to manage the knee surgery and rehab process well.   After putting me through a range of motion exam he told me that I would have less range following surgery than I have now, and my functional movement is not all that bad, given the new drugs..  I think he read something in my original question and suggested that maybe the surgery was somewhat premature.   So for now, we are going to continue treating the knees conservatively.  He was also concerned about the painful swelling in the small joints of my hands, and prescribed a different NSAID than I took previously. I took the first one this afternoon, and already I can see my knuckles emerging from the puffiness that has been there for several weeks.A further suggestion was that some of my symptoms might be reduced if I was in better shape.This means that I can no longer complain about dysfunction or pain, as I made the decision to live that way.  ( But I will!!)

On the way home we stopped at Seven Oaks Wellness Centre, and I joined.  They can provide pool exercises  that the doctor says I should be able to tolerate, with much more professionally trained supervision than one would find through Parks and Recreation.  Cheaper too.  My initial assessment and program planning is done with a Physio--something I really wanted.  One of the best features was that the membership is on a month to month basis.  No year long contract.

A bit of a turn around, I know, but maybe a more pro-active solution.  Of course, now I'm home and reviewing the conversations, I am second guessing myself quite aggressively.  Arg-g-g-g-h!!

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