Thursday, December 5, 2013

More of this coincidence stuff......

A strange occurrence........... last night we arrived home late after the wonderful supper out with Aunt Ev and then the Scott Woods Show and there had been a phone call during the day that I recognized the name as having been a previous co worker at Home Care. So this morning I called the number back and spoke with this person - Sandy. We haven't been in communication since she retired a few years before me and I retired in 2007. She said to me immediately that she wanted to call to tell me that she thought I had been the best Team Leader and positive person during her time at Home Care, and always encouraged and reinforced to her, her ability to be a Case Manager. I was taken aback as lately I have been rehashing in my mind my career and not coming up with too many positive attributes about me or my leadership or accomplishments. I wondered why this call came when it did - actually wondered why this call came at all. I expect perhaps that Sandy was doing some reflective assessment of her own life. She reminded me that I always sent them personal notes acknowledging  successes or situations well handled etc. She says she kept all her notes and has them still. We talked for a bit more updating on other of the old staff and agreeing that we had a good team and that Home Care is NOT now what it used to be.  I have been replaying this talk over and over all day - I wish I could remember her actual words to me but was so shocked with her comments that the words seemed to just skip over my head.
Mild weather today after freezing rain last evening (driving home late from North Bay was a  terrible drive) So I was out shoveling and also cleaning some snow slush off the roof. I expect the temps will quickly drop soon as they are calling for snow again. Oh, how I love these transition periods. I made cookies this afternoon using my homemade Mincemeat - taste good but similar to our raisin cookie recipe. Tonight I will watch another Christmas movie as I have bought a few more this year so actually having a ball with it all haha Tonight it will be Mrs Santa Claus starring Angela Lansbury - hope it is good. Take care

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