Sunday, December 29, 2013

I hear of your deep freeze !

So I guess your staying in and reading or sewing or playing computer or watching Star Trek seems like a great idea. Only thing is that the deep freeze there in Manitoba will likely make its way to me soon. Today it was borderline freezing and icicles were dripping off the roof and making a little puddle on the sidewalk. So out I went and cleaned off the roof all around and the little sheds. And then cleared away all this snow that fell from the roof. I am still trying to keep ahead of the spring thaw and possible leaking into the house.
There is one lonely fishing hut out on the lake so far - a bit early perhaps but then I'm not the one they would listen to haha Yesterday there were many others on foot also fishing around the hut and many snowmobile tracks leading onto the lake. Someone had also cleared a little skating rink on the ice - now I would love to try that out but not likely until it gets a bit colder.
There was a bit of a "closure" experience for me last evening as I was walking the dog. A van passed me by and then stopped and backed up to speak with me. It was a young lady and she started with "it is you! I have been trying to find you" It was the owner of the dog that was killed some time back. She asked how I was doing and then we had a really good conversation. She said she knew I was a Brownie Leader but couldn't remember my name. Turned out she was one of my brownies ( then she would have been 5 or 6 years old?) She had even gone to the Pharmacy to ask one of the people working there who does all sorts of doggy sitting but this person could not think of me even with the brief description this lady gave her. So I came back home with a totally different perspective about the incident and I think very positive feelings rather than the feelings of blame or regret. I guess this, too, was meant to be.
I am tired now after all that shovelling so plan to relax a bit and then get at organizing some of the Christmas decorations. It is now time for me to "let go" and I think I will be just fine with clearing then up. Take care

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