Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday evening update

A quickie message while I listen to Randy Bachman - it is the Valentine's show with love songs tonight so should be good.
We went to the Sprucedale Winter Carnival this morning - watched the parade, and then over to the Community Centre for a Pancake Breakfast, and then Bake Sale and Penny Sale. And then to the Flea Market at the old School. It was a glorious bright and clear sunny day - a bit crisp but still nice.  And that's pretty much my day. When we got home I did the wash and tidying up a bit, and then went through a few boxes - Harry is gradually cleaning up some of the boxes downstairs - sorting through to see what can go to the Auction, what he can sell on Kijiji or what goes to the shed for a summer garage sale. Sounds like fun, eh? One box was full of yarns of various sorts and colours so I started to roll them up and organize it but I had help. I left the room for a bit and when I came back two of the three cats were having a ball - yarn stretched all the way down the hall. I couldn't help but be amused as they were so intent on having fun. I usually play with a string and tin foil ball on the end so I guess they thought I had upped the anty a bit by leaving balls of yarn around.
I haven't used my laptop since the greenhouse has been turned on because of my fear of blowing fuses so back to taking my turn on the desk computer. We have had some of the Olympics on the computer so have seen some of the action but not as much as if we had the TV to watch. I can remember in 2010 when we watched so much of the Vancouver Games on the TV but then the times were more congruent with our time. With Sushi there is a 9 hour time gap.
Hope you are having a good weekend. Monday is Family Day for Ontario so a Stat holiday. When does Manitoba have a similar holiday? Anyway, lots of snowmobiles and fisherfolk in town and out on the lake - they have cleared some ice by the dock so I think there may be skating maybe on Monday? Anyway, time for bed. Take care

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