Sunday, February 2, 2014

Who needs groundhogs to predict?

I can tell you that spring is no where to be seen - at least around here. I just came in for a coffee and rest and will head outside again. So time for a quickie note. Good to read your news.
I finally got all the hard pack snow piles cleared away yesterday ( from cleaning the roof two days earlier) when it started to snow again and this morning greeted with another 10 cm. I took the dog for a walk to the lake and when on way back the plow was at it - I stood and watched him dump ( and I mean really dump) onto the driveways all the way down our street but I think especially into my driveway. (Maybe he was mad, or hung over ??) We don't have to go out anywhere but I am always needing to clean a path in case we have to get the car out quick.- I think this feeling I have is from our time caring for Harry's mother when we (I) had to be ready day and night to head out.
Cathy what recipe do you use for Lasagna? I had a craving last week and ventured to buy Compliments ready made that was on sale at Foodland. As usual it did not meet my expectations. Harry doesn't eat it so I hesitate to make a batch but maybe if I break it down into meal size and freeze I could think about making some? Well, coffee is done so out I go. Won't be watching the Super Bowl as not interested. If it were Canadian Football I would but since CBC went off the air here, I haven't even been able to view those games so have almost lost interest. I go onto the Wpg Free Press site regularly and get my Bombers fix that way haha  Take care

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