Sunday, November 15, 2015

birthday Party

Last evening We went to Amber's for  joint birthday party for the two girls.  They have both had a separate party with their friends, but this was for family.  They had asked for a family evening, where we could play games.  It was a short evening, but we managed to open gifts, play part of a game of "31", and eat cake.  Here some pictures, taken at the end of it all.

In the above you may notice that there have been changes in hair colour.  Sheila has refined her natural blond, Judy is now very, very red, and Gillian has gone quite dark. I think Jessica is also darker than last time I posted a picture, and Jeremy is becoming a aficionado of facial hair.

Here you can see the tiara that I found in the computer room and provided for one of the birthday girls.  Jess had one too, but chose not to wear it.

Amber took the pictures with her phone, and we tried to post them from her house, but the blog wouldn't accept her sign in.  So she isn't in any of them, but we did manage to catch Loren.

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