Saturday, May 28, 2016

Success! and Apple Blossums

Isn't it great when you have a successful day out.  It sounds as if you did!  It also sounds as if you are getting around the city more than you did before, and as a result are seeing new things and places. (Forget the spending part of it all though, haha!)
Here was a different story. The Hydro did NOT come on until 3 pm!  It went off earlier than 7 am as well - I was trying to make Harry toast at 6;45 am and the power went off. He had warm bread instead.
Our Apple trees have been a glorious sight the last while with blossoms all over and bees humming from flower to flower. Yesterday, though, the petals started to fall. The aroma outside is wonderful, and the ground is covered with white - and NOT snow this time, haha. It's maybe a little sad to see them fall, but just another sign of the changing seasons. And today I spotted my first hummingbird. Lots of planting these days as well. Everything seems to be jumping ahead quickly.  It is over 30 degrees today but with a bit of a breeze I didn't mind being outside.
I waited over three weeks to get my next book in the Gamache series to read.  The Library called yesterday to say it was there and of course I went immediately to pick it up.  I planned to also get the next book in the series to have on hand here at home but you guessed it - it was already taken. So my name is on the wait list for it now. At least I have a book to read at night again - lately I have not being reading - couldn't get interested in anything I had hanging around here - so have missed that quiet time terribly.Well, have to get supper and then plan to do a walk about outside - perhaps with a nice cup of tea, and maybe a nice sit down in the garden! And of course dream of being a big Lottery winner tonight again! A perpetual dream ??    Take care

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