Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Running errands

Yesterday we had a bit of shopping to do, and I had a meeting in the afternoon, so we headed out in the morning.  Got everything done in"jig" time, and I was ready when my friend Susanne picked me up at 12:30.  

There were five of us at my Tuesday Stitchers' group, and we met in a very nice apartment in the new section of the facility at The Canoe Club.  Talk about "POSH"!  Part of what we talk about is whatever project each of us is working on. I mentioned that I was in the process of planning a piece titled "The Shadows of My Mind", and it was suggested that I visit a current exhibition in the gallery associated with the Manitoba Crafts Council.  I was leery, but we dropped in this afternoon.  This exhibit involves collaborations between various artists, and members of the faculty from the Department of Neurology, at the University of Manitoba.  The resulting art covers several mediums.  Basically, I was "blown away".  What an intriguing concept, and what exciting ways were used to explore it.  It brought back memories of my own time in University, and after, when I had the privilege of dissecting brains.  Some of the artists' statements referred to the experience of attending an autopsy, and being allowed to touch/handle the brains, and how surprised they were by how soft the tissue was.  One even referred to seeing the brain slowly torn apart, as opposed to being cut--also an experience of mine.

My whole approach to the design of my piece has changed, as a result of that exhibit.

We also took David's boots into the shoemaker to be re-heeled, only to discover that the shop was closed for a short holiday.  Too bad,  It took almost a week to remember to attend to the chore, and now we have to go through it again.

Prior to going out, I had spent some time in the studio, and David surprised me by bringing his computer and sitting at my work table to play Candy Crush.  We have both miss being near each other since my studio moved downstairs, and this is one way we are trying to help recover that time together.

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