Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Ides of March?

Why do I always remember this day as the Ides of March. Must have been drummed into me during Latin classes at school? Now I do not think they even offer Latin in school, do they?
We had a fair trip yesterday to visit Mike and help him to take his sick cat to the Vet. I was the one to hold the cat in the back seat and it did freak out to be in the cage and in the car. I held it in my lap and it was all I could do to care for her. Poor dear cat. But we made it there and back and the cat will be cared for very well by Mike at home. He has three cats in total and loves them all. I had made sandwiches to take so we had a nice lunch and a wee visit before we had to leave to come home. It makes a full day to do these visits but if the highway is good it reduces some of the stress and Harry always does the driving anyway. So I guess we have to tend to the greenhouses today as they were neglected yesterday. Dustings of snow everyday and overnight - just enough to be a nuisance.  But as you say Pati the milder temperatures are going to melt it gradually.  I am patiently ( not so patiently, really) waiting to hear back from the accountant about our taxes. I should hear today or tomorrow and then can pick them up, and then decide how to pay them before end of April. It is like a game every year haha!
So now for my breakfast and get on with the day. Take care.

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