Friday, April 20, 2018

Porridge this morning..

Just felt like a nice big bowl of porridge to start my day today - oh, it is instant but still good. I have Cream of wheat and red River that i could cook but in the morning when I want it, it would take too long to cook so I settle for instant. haha!
Always like to get suggestions for reading. I just finished that second Uplander book of the three I have on the go. I thought I would stop at two, but as usual the author left us hanging and wanting to read more, so I started on the third. Takes so long for me to get through 1000 pages of fine print. 
To Kirkland Lake yesterday - early start at 4:45 am and then a quick turnaround so we were home by 3:30 pm. 30 minutes of that was sitting on the road blocked by Police cars because of a collison, but that was short lived with the ambulance leaving and then the tow trucks removing the cars to the side of the road.  We made a pit stop in North Bay to find a bird nesting cage but no luck so Harry bought some wood things at Dollarama and will fashion something? The second pair of budgies have been courting for awhile now and she laid an egg yesterday. This first batch may not produce anything as the other two birds first batch did not, but you never know.
Seems no relief with this weather and wonder when we will have some melting. Was snowing even yesterday. I note that Winnipeg temps are above freezing now and so probably soon we may soon enjoy the same? Cathy are you melting there - can you see your ground? haha!
I expect greenhouse work today. i watered when we came home yesterday but the plants need some serious work which has been badly neglected this past week. We have blossums on tomatoes, and on geraniums, and one nasturium is in full bloom. Makes me dream more of summer being here and sitting outside.
Weekend here again. Hope you all have a nice break planned. Sounds as if you are running at full speed Pati. Loved your hanging posted on the other blog. Lots of work. What are you up to Cathy? Take care

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