Sunday, April 15, 2018

We have but one bathroom.....

And it has forever been so... I find nothing humourous about our situation and never have. So good on you Pati, for working through this issue at your home. Any suggestions? haha!
Freezing rain here... I expect you have heard on the news about the storm and weather warnings issued in these parts - anything that will affect Toronto adversely seems to get headline news. Will be like this for this week to come. We just cross our fingers and hope that we will not lose the power - then things will get really interesting.  But then I read in the Free Press that the Jets were stranded in Minni because of a severe snow storm - did it reach as far up as to you folks? There were many fans that had driven down as well so I expect they are in the same situation.  But the Jets did win so that is worth celebrating. Does Loren still enjoy the games Pati?
We are planning to drive to Kirkland Lake on Thursday - have some things to take to Harry's brother and sister in law and his brother is giving Harry all sorts of planting pots to bring back - his brother is not into gardening now since he has some health problems. 
No greenhouse work for today because of the weather so I am now planning to take out my hexi quilt and maybe do a bit of work on that. It has been ages since I have touched it and it always brings me a bit of calmness when I am at it. I'll make a cup of tea and I am set.....Take care
ps tomato soup on toast - exactly what Mom used to make for us. I do not make it for myself so much anymore as it is not, as with so many of my memory dishes,  a "Pearce" kind of dish haha!

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