Sunday, May 26, 2019

An Accomplishment

Well done Beth, both in completing the project, but also in cutting loose the time necessary to do it.  This wouldn't have been easy for you.  And since I have a small sample of the fabric, I can easily visualize how dramatic the finished project must look.  Did you use my pattern as a guide or the instructions from "The Last Homely House---"?  I'm wondering if her instructions  give you a roomy enough bag for grocery shopping.  However much I would like to make one, I certainly don't need any more totes or grocery bags around here.  I'm still loving the owl bag I got from Dollarama, after seeing yours.  I saw a bag very similar to the one on the internet, today, at my ATC group luncheon.  Given that this was a bunch of artists, I shouldn't have been surprised that one lady had taken a plain beige bag, very like the one from the internet, and painted it all over, making a very colourful and unique bag.  My bag making will also be delayed by not having any light weight canvas or bottom weight fabric that I could use, although I could also use a light weight twill like your red fabric.  

You joke about setting up in business, but don't be surprised if people make comments about your red bag.  Given how many places now give away totes, or sell them for very low prices, I don't expect you could ever sell them at a profit.  I have thought about it, and have sold grocery totes at craft sales, but more to get rid of them than to make any money.

Another lazy day around here.  Next week will be quite busy, although one task has been removed from a long list.  We don't have to drive out to Manitou to pick up the fibre art exhibition pieces that we're hanging in Winkler on Friday.  Thank Goodness, I was worried about how and when we would do that.

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