Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Another lazy day

I'm starting to get concerned at my lack of ambition.  At the same time I'm dealing with more painful episodes arising from my arthritic back.  Walking and stairs are particularly difficult right now.  I have never before given any consideration to the role that physical capacity might pay in ambition, and initiative.  Well, maybe that's a lie, as I've often seen clients in whom these issues were present.  Just never thought that it would become me.

The upside of this is how wonderful it is to sit in the garden and read, without feeling too much guilt.  To feel no guilt about housework, as we are able to maintain basic cleanliness and order, with both of us contributing to the cause.  Over the years we've learned so many ways of streamlining food preparation, and when that isn't working, we live out of the freezer.  Mind you, living out of the freezer means preparation at  some point, but that just needs a willingness to power cook.

Machine sewing is now done in short stretches, as the back just won't tolerate the hours that I used to spend at the machine.  The current hours are also more slowly paced, and that's just fine with me.  I'm still accomplishing "something".  I also pace things by changing jobs at regular intervals.  I'm playing with my Inktense blocks in two of my many empty sketchbooks, and the pages need time to dry before being worked on again.  I'm following the lad of the videos I have watched on Design Matters TV, and am laying down background colour, before the more detailed stuff.

After telling Cathy about The last Homely House, today's effort was all about her store--not the first thing I would have wanted anyone to see.  But the other videos are available on the right side of the screen, so everthing is under control.

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