Thursday, May 30, 2019

Busy week

I seem to be running around like a chicken with its head cut off, this week, with the two workshops and a couple of meetings.  We got David to the doctor early yesterday, and David tells me that everything is alright.  Then it was off grocery shopping.  When we got home I was exhausted ( hadn't slept well), so took a nap while David went out for a haircut.  The regular barber was away, so he never got the haircut. Then it was the AGM of the gallery in Selkirk, in the evening.  By the time I got home and ready for bed, I was in poor shape, but still had trouble sleeping.  I feel a little like a Zombie today. 

Never the less, we must pay bills and finish our shopping today.  Since I won't be able to do laundry tomorrow, we are washing bedding today, as well.  

After our trip to Winkler tomorrow, and hanging the show there, it's back to Selkirk on Sunday where the gallery show is changing, and then my friend Gail and I are going to try to take an artists' studio tour along the East side of the river, on our way home.  We had tried to do this last year, but got our days confused and missed it.  Unfortunately, David had known about the trip to Selkirk, and had planned to go with me to check out a sale of bedding plants out there. But he understands that the artists' studio tour has been a long time in the planning.  I just hope I can get enough sleep to be able to enjoy it, when the time comes.

The workshops were well worth my time, and I have no regrets about taking them. However, even though I fully intend to maintain my art involvement, I need to be spending a little more time at home.  In trying to do both, I have very little scheduled for June (so far), so have signed up for a fibre art design course, on the internet.  It is with a teacher whose work I admire, and who is well respected by many of the other fibre artists I know, both in person and electronically.  There are 8 lessons over 8 weeks, with a students' forum for questions and concerns.  Something entirely new to me, but the price was right, and I should be able to do it with the supplies I have on hand.

Time to change the wash.

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