Monday, May 20, 2019

Holiday Monday...

Here's a quickie early Monday morning. I just watched a couple of The Last Homely videos on the computer while sipping at my first morning coffee - this is the time where I can usually sit and enjoy myself for a little bit before the house awakens and the day starts.
What a storm last evening - I almost hesitate to tell you about the amount of rain that came down in one hours time for fear Cathy will wish she had it there. Our yard was like a lake with the water laying all around - the water was ( as I have always told you) coming down the walk to the front and the pump was put into action. I was out in the worst of it to set up the drains to divert the water from the overfilled barrels and I also used several of the big bags of soil in plastic bags as a quasi "sand bag" dam. Fortunately the worst lasted only about an hour but what a dreadful hour it was!
This morning the sky is blueish and the sun is starting to brighten this lovely morning sky so perhaps all shall be well?
I now deserve another coffee and some breakfast and then "on with it" eh?? Sure to be another exciting day in the yard working. Yesterday I made a slow cooker of ribs and tried to make rice in a new Tupperware Rice Steamer that Harry got at a garage sale. The instructions were clear enough but the rice came out like a flat hard patty. I massaged the mass and soaked it in water so as to have some edible rice to go with my ribs. Not really good! I'll try it again sometime but I shall put more water into the bowl than was directed to and perhaps the rice will come out better?
Take care for now.  ps Pati I loved the posting and pictures on the other blog - anxious to see what becomes of them now, with your mind made up as to next steps?

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