Monday, May 13, 2019


The mention of exciting birds peaked my interest and so I pulled out my "bird book" The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds and followed your description Pati to try to identify a bird spotted in our yard the other day. The closet I can see is not a Pine Grosbeak, but perhaps, a Red Crossbill. It is not a Rose Grosbeak. The wings lack of white strips are the defining difference but the reddish colours are it's distinguishing characteristic. I wish I knew my birds better - but maybe with my handy book, I can start to take notice more intensely. So if either of you spot a bird, give a description (and name if you know it) and I can look it up and identify - mostly for my own sake as I would really like to improve my knowledge.
Did not freeze last night - good thing as I did not cover up- it was 5 degrees this morning just as the weather stated it would be - so maybe I have more confidence in this and can follow it's direction related to need to cover. 
On with another week and full of energy to do what I can. My desire to 'eat an elephant" haunts me - yesterday I did something little and it did make a difference in my attitude so hopefully I can continue.   Take care, and keep in touch!

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