Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Never fails

Every year, every  time the Nanking Cherry starts to bloom, we have wind and rain.  Every flippin' year!!

David and I were wondering if any of the rain had hit you, Cathy.  There's been a slow gentle rain since about 1:00.  We have had a lazy, peaceful day.  David went across to the Chinese restaurant in the mall for supper.  I don't think I've eaten that well in months, even though I ate carefully.

This morning, I got an e-mail from Pennington's, as I do every day, advertising tops for $19--a good deal.  But they were off the internet.  I've never bought clothes off the internet.  There was one item I particularly liked ( not on sale though). So I suggested that I look to see if there might be the same deal in the local store.  There was.  I got the top I wanted at the regular price, and one regular $54 for $19.  I found a lovely tank top/undershirt for $9.99, regular $30.00, and another undershirt for $20, that I would wear as a top, as long as I had something over it.  I'm looking for light weight undershirts to wear under my corset.  The heavy winter ones, will be just too warm for summer.

I guess it sounds like I've accepted my higher weight, but that's not necessarily true.  I've been running on three pairs of pants for several months now, and have been looking, and feeling ratty in them, given that two pair are jeans.  I have several events coming up for which I want to look a little better.  

Today, I signed up for a workshop on preparing the documents one needs to exhibit one's work.  Things like a cv, a bio and artist's statements.  It's a free workshop, but being held through the Manitoba Crafts Council, with a visiting leader, from Memorial University in Newfoundland.  This is a very high profile Canadian artist.  I have also registered, and paid for, a critique session with the same lady a couple of days later.  This is through a different group, but one in which I have attended several events, and felt like a poor relation at all of them.  I'll feel better prepared this time.

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