Thursday, October 3, 2019


The final item in the task of consolidating our finances happened yesterday, when the PIN for my new credit card arrived, and I was able to activate it.  The activation required that I use it to purchase something, and then have the card refused 3 times, before having it accepted.  Sound suspicious?  yeh.  And you should have seen the face on the clerk at the car dealership when I used it to pay for having the winter tires installed.  But it worked!  So I came home and cancelled the old card, after stopping at the Credit Union to do a Balance Transfer.

Now, you have to understand that the credit union nearest the house is being amalgamated with another branch in the area, and both branches will end up at the building we use.  This has meant a lot of renovation, the bulk of this being done while the place is open.  There is also no storage space in the building. so all of the extraneous chairs are in the middle of the lobby.  It's been quilt nice having a plush office chair on wheels to rest in while waiting our turn for a teller.  Well, part of the process for a balance transfer involves phoning the other card's customer services to request a current balance.  The tellers don't have phones, but some of the offices do, including the ones with no floor and only a desk being used as a bit of a storage space.  And, of course, I had trouble getting through.  I knew what went wrong, but the teller had to assist me, which may have made the problem a little worse, but ultimately we got through.

Tonight, I've been invited to a meeting of the Embroiderers' Guild where there will be a tribute for Founding members.  I'm not a founding member, but may be one of the oldest former or current members still alive.  However, I left that group with a bitter taste in my mouth and the person(s) responsible for that is still involved.  I didn't want to walk into that room alone!  So I called my friend Susanne and asked for a ride.  I hated to do that, as I know she takes two handicapped older members to all the meetings.  Well now there will be three of them riding with her.

I'm pretty sure every thing will go alright, as I know I tend to let these things grow to unmanageable size, in my mind.  But at the same time,  I would hate to think that the people I'm afraid of might not even remember me.  lol

Otherwise we're generally staying at home, other than a trip out almost every day for coffee.

The books I've been reading lately are either gritty shoot'em-ups or silly, half comedy mysteries such as those written by Annalise Ryan.  Some of the characters can be counted on to make poor decisions.  I'm not too fond of books where the reader, if the reader has a brain, can anticipate what's going to happen.

p.s. it's still raining!

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