Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sounds like all is well

Some inconvenience, but we're all safe, warm, and have food.  Lots of food.

David and I were just talking about phoning you, Cathy, just to make sure you were alright, when up popped your post.

Winnipeg appears to have survived, but the roads are still  a mess.  We haven't been out since Friday afternoon.  The tree on the boulevard has lot two major branches.  It's a Basswood, and was a very small tree when we moved in, but Oh My!  How it's grown.  But being a Basswood, there isn't a lot of spread to its shape, so the branches have just peeled partially off and lowered themselves to the ground.  My friend Andrea is describing the situation, in the city, as a "treemagedon".  I understand that there are hundreds of trucks stuck in Headingly, as #1 is, or has been, closed all the way to the Saskatchewan border.

We've made the decision to use a cab to the restaurant tonight, more so we can both have a glass of wine with dinner, than because of any fear of driving.

Hope your time with Mike is as wonderful as you hope, Beth, recognizing that the anticipation is as important as the event.

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