Friday, October 25, 2019

Good early morning....

Hard time to get any sleep last night so I just got up early - why try to lay in bed fussing about not sleeping haha! Sometimes you just cannot fight it anymore.
Luncheon yesterday with the gals was very enjoyable - we had lots to talk about and before we knew it, the time had flown by. I do not think any of us actually wanted to leave. I can't say my meal was good but I picked at it while engaging in the conversations. Sue has sent some pictures of the five of us that the waitress took and I shall send that for you to see once I figure out how to forward the pictures from her email.
We are going to Mike's Saturday - a quickly arranged visit to help him with some home tasks he has - he was getting a bit behind with chores because of his course requirements this past week or two with assignments and midterm exams, so we decided to take the drive.  So I plan to bake an apple pie today and we will get a meat loaf and veg together - to give him a good nutritious meal which I fear he is lacking lately. He has classes into the evening to 10 pm and by time he gets out and home it is close to midnight - so not too much to eat except a quick burger or pizza on the fly apparently, and this is not always the best choice, but nonetheless,....
Weather is holding its own - coldish and damp mostly, but at least no snow yet. I arranged to get the winter tires installed for Nov 6 appointment and hope it will hold off until then. The winter tires perhaps give us a false assurance of safety but at least we know we will have better traction - without them we had trouble maneuvering the slightest incline ( two years ago we could not get up the steep dump road and it took about six tries to inch our way along - that was when I stated that we would be getting winter tires which up to then had not been considered haha)
So on with this day and then weekend. Hope all is well with you both. Thinking about you a lot lately....take care.

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