Friday, January 8, 2021

A mixed bag

 Sort of a funny day.  Early this morning David and I watched a group of young children and their caregivers on a walk around the block.  They come from a satellite site for St. Amant Centre in the mall across the street.  Everyday weekday they take a walk around the block, part of which is in our block. They are quite young, which makes me think that the site is a sort of day care center.  All you can really see of them is their eyes as they are well bundled up.  There is at least one staff member for every child, and sometimes more.  Today the little one at the front of the line had obviously had enough of this nonsense, and was asking to be picked up and carried.  They are so cute in their "caterpillar", or "crocodile" line, as I've heard such lines called.

Then it was off to the library, grocery store, and Starbucks.  Almost the same trip as yesterday, except yesterday, David stopped at the Wild Birds Unlimited store to buy a few peanuts.  You have to phone ahead of time, but they are tolerant of phone calls from the parking lot.  I called, they found our account, and offered us a $10 discount, that was on file and then told me the total amount.  Shock!  Say what?  Turned out she was trying to sell us a 20 pound bag rather then the 2 lb. bag we've bought in the past.  We compromised on 5lbs.  Still got the discount though.  We need them to feed the two large grey squirrels that live in the yard.  They are shy and only come out early in the morning or at dusk. Still, David put out a few peanuts today, and the next thing I see is that damn red squirrel stealing them.  Well, we've got lots of peanuts.  Snort!

Then it was home and  working full out on the homework for  my current internet workshop, while trying to attend to the laundry at the same time.  I've been confused lately ( just ask David!) and have missed both the first lesson and the first Zoom meeting for questions  and student exchange and general chatter.  I watched videos of both last night, and today was ready to get to work.  Accomplished a lot, and then decided to relax for the rest of the day.  I don't need to have the homework finished until next week, and made enough progress today to feel like something had been accomplished.

The first half of my order from the art store was delivered, this evening.  My class requires artists' markers, and I only had acrylic pens in black and white.  So I ordered the type the instructor recommended. Ka-c-c-c-hing!  Very expensive!  But they were on back order, so I also ordered a small set of much cheaper ones to use until the right ones arrived. Received the small set today, and I think they will be just fine for the workshop ( based on the first lesson and the discussion on Zoom) so tomorrow I think I'll cancel the order for the much more expensive set.

I started the Phaedra Patrick book "The Secrets of Love Story Bridge", after finally receiving it from the library this week.  I had ordered it when you first mentioned it Beth, and that seems like months ago! I started it last evening and am about half way through.  A similar format as her other books, but still a joy to read, and it leaves one with a sense of all being right with the world. I'm also reading the --hold your breath--Thump Dreadfulwater detective series by Canadian author, Thomas King.  Very unusual and I suggest that you both read at least one of them, just to get the gist of the atmosphere.  Almost amusing, but, I think, very realistic.  That's just a teaser, so "nuf said.

So, next, I think an hour of Poker, if i last that long.  It hasn't been that much of a pleasure lately, with crazy people making crazy bets.  But we'll give it a try.  I need to relax after working my butt off today.

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