Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Take it as it Comes

 Words to live by this week.  Here it is late Tuesday afternoon, and David is still bringing food into the house from the garage.  I watched the latest video in my on-line workshop, and thought bad words.  She did some very interesting demos, but her studio appears to be huge, and she was spreading yardages of cotton and canvas on the walls and floor and throwing paint at them.  Aside from not having the wall space and open floor space to do either, neither do I have the yardages of fabric that she was tossing around.  Then she showed a very large board balanced on two saw-horses, where she spread more fabric to paint with a type of paint I haven't been able to find anywhere.  Well, I can try to simulate things, but it won't be easy.  I did have one success in my efforts, and that was when I dug out a box from the very back of a shelf under the bar and found exactly the colour and type of paint she recommended using for a slightly different task than mentioned above.  I had a thought that maybe I had the brand, but didn't realize that I had the colour and certainly didn't have any idea where it might be, but got lucky on my third guess. So I will carry on, carrying on, but maybe not today.

This afternoon I worked on the most recent challenge in a group I follow that has people working on improving their sketching.  I have been enjoying being part of this group but have really fallen down on doing any of the work I should have been doing on these twice weekly challenges.  I've tried a bit of catch-up, and was going to call it done with this weeks challenge.  The challenge involved adding words to our pieces, and it wasn't until I tried to photograph the finished piece that I realized I had mis-spelled the most important word. "Nuff said.

David has been washing bottles so that we can bottle wine Thursday afternoon.  We have an appointment, at the wine store, that can't be missed.  David was washing the bottles yesterday, and broke one in the kitchen.  I heard him cleaning up and thought no more about it, until I came into the kitchen in bare feet, this morning.  Missed it by t-h-i-i-s much.  And then found 7 more pieces, a couple of them fairly large. What will be, will be.  Not a really satisfying day, and we still have supper and the evening to go.

I did have one satisfying moment last evening, when I made myself a big mug of hot chocolate and Kahlua.  Oh My!  Can't do it often, but when I do, it is a marvelous way to end the day.

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