Sunday, January 24, 2021

Thank Goodness it's winter!.

 Yesterday around noon, I discovered that the freezer door was not quite closed and there had been quite a bit of food thawed. We've been keeping that freezer full since last fall when we decided to self-isolate about a month before the Government told us that it was required.  We left anything that was still obviously half frozen or better in there and shut the door, but took other stuff out to the garage to re-freeze it quickly.  Any prepared food, such as tv dinners or chicken fingers, that had thawed was quickly put in the garbage.  this took David quite a while, and occurred after he had vacuumed the whole house and washed the kitchen floor.  Needless to say, he fell asleep in front of the tv later.  What a waste!  That'll teach us not to take advantage of sales.  It isn't even an opportunity to prepare a feast and invite all our friends, when we can only have two designated people over to the house.

The laundry is done for another week.  It is much easier on me to spread it over two days, than to try to get it all done in one.  I would get involved in a different task while waiting for it to finish a cycle, and then forget about it for an hour or more.  Not very efficient.  But  did get my homework done for my workshop and I'm very happy with it.  Painting fabric is much more my comfort level.  But somehow, what I was painting kept trying to make itself into a landscape, and we had been told very specifically to keep to abstract, as it would be much better to add more, once we got into our projects.  I'm hoping to post a few pictures sometime in the next couple of days.  I'll just have to put aside two hours to work with Geek Squad to sort out my computer's ability to download pictures from my camera card.

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