Sunday, January 17, 2021

sounds like we're all having our ups and downs

I've hesitated over saying this, but my ups and downs have been more emotional that physical.  I can't deny that this lockdown makes much more susceptible to depression, and I've been having a few bad days. Discussing it with Gail, I realized that I've been feeling poorly, off and on, since I was sick in March. I had also expressed my fear that my recent memory problems, and apparent loss of my creativity might be the early signs of a dementia issue.  I really do turn into a silly, fearful person, when depressed.  Gail has been re-assuring me that she doesn't see any dementia issues in me, but she does see depression.  And does it really matter?  Even if worse comes to worst, there isn't much I can do about it, so I might just as well  carry on, carrying on.  To that end, I'm implementing the "tricks of the trade" that I might have helped a patient with, in the day.  What a great day for Bullet Journals to come into my life! Yesterday, Gail had to come into town, and she asked if there was any way we could meet face-to-face.  We met in the parking lot of the local Michael's store, after going through the Tim Horton's drive thru in the same lot.  Parked so that the driver's window of each of our cars were level, opened them up and chatted for almost an hour.  It was great after all these months to have the type of chat we would have had at Starbucks, pre-Covid, but still maintaining physical distance. But we had to cut it short as we both needed a washroom, after all that coffee.

Falls are not a good thing for ladies of our age. I know that I would have great trouble getting up if I were to fall. I'm using my cane out doors now, and when I speak of my "walks", which are just a little way down the block and back, the cane is there in my hand all the way. But, isn't it great to be having these mild days that allow me to take that walk? And government funded sidewalk ploughs that make it safe for me to walk.

My workshop isn't going well, which makes me glad that I bought so many of those expensive supplies. (I suffered from buyers remorse for the first week of the workshop) I'm going through them quickly, especially when I have to re-do something 2-3 times. But, I'm reconciled to doing whatever is necessary to get'er done. This has left me with lots of leftover scraps, and now I'm trying to figure out if I can re-purpose any of these into postcards, to put out for sale during my exhibition at the gallery in May.  I'm still optimistic that this will happen. I'm also going to use any leftover water colour paper to try to make more post cards and even greeting cards, for the same purpose.  Not bookmarks though, as I already have more than I will ever use in my lifetime.  Anyone need a bookmark, or three--free of charge?  Serious question!

So, now is past 1:00, and, while I'm dressed, I haven't done a darn thing, except eaten a simple breakfast and lunch. Best get my act together and start moving.

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