Saturday, January 2, 2021

We've been bad

 We've been enjoying the slot machines on-line a bit too much.  fortunately we've also been winning a  bit, so haven't had to add any money to the original amount we put in.  But it is taking too much of our time, and I'm going to have to put the brakes on.  By unfortunate coincidence, David's birthday fell on laundry day. so I was pulled in many directions yesterday.  This was not necessarily a good thing.  We had planned to play on-line Thursday evening and ended up playing until about 1:30am.  This means that it was 2:30 before I got to bed, and awhile after that before I got to sleep.  I was pretty much a zombie during on Friday, while working on the laundry, and trying to get a bit of machine sewing done(the type of work I'm doing usually goes well in zombie state)  Then David wanted to gamble a bit in the later afternoon, so we just put a Shepherd's pie in the oven for supper.  We pulled it out and served it quickly.  I took my first bite and burned the roof of my mouth quite badly.  A huge blister formed, heavy with fluid, and then broke.  We had bought a huge bottle of caramel corn as a goodie over the celebration days, and I tried to eat that last evening.  Needless to say, my mouth is quite sore today, and I'm reluctant to even try my morning tea. I guess that when we go "off the rails", in some way, Mother Nature gets involved. Through all this the laundry didn't get finished, and I have more of that to look forward to today.

Even with the laundry, which pretty well does itself, as long as someone tends the machines, I, too, plan an outing, for today.  I have signed up for a "challenge" at Starbucks.  This means that I have to buy something 3-4 times over 5 days.  These happen fairly regularly, but this time they have specified that I must buy "any Americano".  This is not a stretch, as I've been buying Americano instead of my usual pour over, as we are using the drive through, and the wait for a pour over is just too long for a drive through.

I think I'm babbling a bit, maybe because I appear to have little to say.  Like everyone else, we stay at home and look at each other or watch tv. I best go.  I have work to do, and usually, the second day after a short night is much worse to me than the first day.

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