Sunday, January 17, 2021

We could all tell a few tales like this..right?

 Sorry about the physical injuries Cathy as I know that can really hurt and last for awhile. The embarrassment may be another thing but we've all being there. About a month ago I fell at the corner of the street taking Bailey for a walk. it was day time and I just had to lay there for a minute to get my bearings but a man from a house a few doors down saw me and ran over to help. Thanked him for his concern as I got up on my own and reassessed my body and then my shattered dignity but all was well. I was thankful he was there in case i could not have gotten up or if Bailey was loose. I have had a few spills in the house and those I would be concerned about more as who would help me??? I finally threw out an old pair of slippers that I have been wearing and that were causing me issues with mobility and now have on a pair of lace shoes i will call my "house shoes". Pati you have lead the way with this strategy as you have a house pair and an outdoors pair and always switch when you come in or out, right? Having to go out side frequently with the dogs gives me some issue to take them off to put boots on, and put them on again when i come in but I think it is worth it for my own state of being.

More snow again and I think the temps are going to fall from the daily 32 or 33 F that has been the norm for the last week. Good on it as we had dripping off the roof and a bit of leaking again and this just makes me shutter. I did a bit of roof clearing at the front but there are ice dams that just will not budge. I was able to chip away at the ice on the stairs and from sidewalk a few times to keep it safe so now maybe things can settle down. The plough just went down the street and i guess my morning will be spent shoveling and clearing it away as I have not done any clearing for a few days.

Surprise of surprises ....I pulled out my violin the other day - it has been 10 years since I stored it away. I was thinking of what would please me if i could do something for myself while hidden away in the house. it may take awhile to get back in the swing of things but even a few minutes a day will fill me with some sort of pleasure? I just have to find those few minutes a day haha!

Take care all...stay safe and stay home??? How are you all managing with shopping etc. I have gone to the Pharmacy, the Foodland and the Lottery store - mostly walking which i can because of the closeness of them all here. And we have many trips to North Bay in the next few weeks for Harry's eyes which are allowed as they are for medical purposes, and I fill the car with gas while there.

Time for breakfast...

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