Tuesday, May 18, 2021

It's hot today

 Which makes it a somewhat stupid day for power cooking, but nevertheless we tried.  Thank Goodness for slow cookers that don't heat up the kitchen too much.  So David has 8 meals of meatballs in gravy, and we also produced 6 servings of chicken thighs in gravy.  Now it's almost supper time, and the kitchen is clean.  David had chopped up a cauliflower, which he'll cook for himself and I'll eat raw, so as to avoid the butter and parmesan chees I usually add to it.  I have some cold chicken, and a cucumber that will make a nice meal with the cauliflower.  And--ta da-- we found some more cans of Diet Dr. Pepper, so I can have that more than once a day, although the caffeine can be a hazard.

While sitting here I had to think about how fortunate we are with today's labour-saving devices.  I'm communicating with my sisters, using my computer, while the dishwasher is washing, and the Crock Pot is cooking.

In my purges of the studio, I found 5 partially made and finished quilts that I could use as donation quilts.  I have found out where to take them and they were delivered this afternoon. Then the lady offered me two commercial battings to use in more donation quilts, along with some donation labels to put on them.  Guess I'm making more--well I sort of knew that--based on the scraps I have cut and organized ready to sew.  I'm also interested as the batting is "Quilters' Dream" brand, and I've been wanting to try that, as I've heard good things.

Otherwise life goes on.  Other than the mess we made  cooking, today, the house seems to be just fine, despite me spending so much time outside.  I can see a good vacuuming in the near future, but, with us being out side, the carpet isn't getting dirty so fast. I mentioned my "to do" list, and it's still sitting there.  I make a "task" in my BuJo of "one item from the list", but without any accompanying time frame.  So, when one task is done, I can record it and feel good about myself, although if I don't pick "clean out and wash the fridge" soon, we may have a problem.

So we are managing fine.  We go out if needed, and wear our masks religiously.  I'm so anxious for that second shot.  Stay safe, ladies!

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