Saturday, May 15, 2021


 Once again rain was forecast but nothing happened except noise and a sprinkle. There is supposed to be a good rain next week. We’ll see. I went out earlier today to work in the garden while it was cooler. I could hear Lucky whining in the house. Finally Jim brought him out to the garden. He was so excited and bouncing and barking that I had to take him for a walk to settle him down. We took a different route today that didn’t end up where I expected. I thought we would circle the bush and come back to the path. Turns out the bush I was following went almost 1/2 mile North before I was able to turn back west. Then we had to go through the field to reach the bush that I originally thought we were following. So, short story made longer, we ended up walking a lot further than intended. Lucky did settle down in the shade after that, but I had used up a lot of my morning energy. I did get a lot planted, but still have more to finish tomorrow. Then, this afternoon, I guess I didn’t shut the patio door all the way. Lucky had managed to open the patio door by pushing his nose through. We had no idea where he was. Jim took the quad to the east and I walked north-west to the field next door.  Then the neighbour phoned. Her husband and son had been heading to town and spotted Lucky almost to the highway. Miracle of miracles, Al whistled and called Lucky and he came. So, by the time Jim got home, got the car and picked me up on the road, they were sitting in the middle of the road, having a drink and holding on to the dog. But by now I had walked Lucky in the morning, then out to the field, then back to the road. I’m just so glad they saw Lucky and that he came for them. Somehow the entire day passed and now I am sitting on the couch with a glass of wine. The perfect ending to a busy day that saw little accomplished. 

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