Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Busy days

 I couldn’t log in for a bit but I persevered. I could have turned on my computer, but my phone is so much easier to hold. We had ordered fish and it was supposed to arrive Saturday morning. We had arranged for him to drop it off at Barb’s house in town (since the legion is closed…. But maybe open soon with the relaxation of restrictions!). We got tired of waiting for his call so we headed into town around noon. About 2;30 he reached Jim. He had broken his phone and all our contact info was in it. He had just gotten it fixed but would be here by 5:00. We contacted everyone who had ordered and told them the time. 5:00 came and all the people arrived, but no fish. On the upside we had a really nice visit (highly illegal visit) with people we hadn’t seen in months. By about 6:00 a few had had to leave but would come back when he arrived. 7:00 pm Jim gets another call. His truck was stolen when he ran into a store. The RCMP recovered it, but it was impounded. He had found a friend to bring him and could be here by 8:30. Did we still want the deal?  He agreed to come to our house and drop it off. Everyone was informed and they agreed that if the couldn’t come to our place before 10:30 Sunday morning we would work things out on Monday. Soooo,  around 9:00pm Jim called him again.  His driver had an emergency and he had to find a new one but they were on their way and would be here by 9:30. So now it was 10:00pm and a truck slowly drove into the yard. What a day!  Good thing we had room for 150 pounds of pickeral in our freezer!  One man came early Sunday morning for his 30 pounds and we headed off to Killarney at 10:30am, as planned. We had a wonderful visit and Kris fed us a huge lunch and supper (according to him he had nothing planned for food…….bbq’d bison steak for supper). Even though it wasn’t that warm Chloe played in the pool for well over an hour. It was so nice to see and hug them again.   So now it is Monday. The first person arrived at about 11:00 am to pick up their fish and, of course, everyone stopped for a drink. By the time the last person left after 6:00 I just wanted to sleep! So Tuesday Jim had his eye doctor appointment at 10:00 and that was the last thing on our calendar until Trinity’s grad next Monday. BUT!!! That afternoon April, Corey and Trinity arrived with their camper for a few days. They did bring supper so we just had to cook the chicken. Jim gave up and went inside about 8:00pm but we sat around the fire until midnight. Trinity went to bed at 11:00. (She has claimed a bedroom in our house as hers). Trin is special needs, and turns 21 in July. That ages her out of the education system, hence her Grad on Monday. So I was especially tired this morning but had Lucky out for his walk at 7:00am, then weeded in the garden for a while. It was supposed to be over 30 today but only made it to about 25 under clouds. We had decided earlier to take Lucky to Big Valley today to help cool him off, so we went anyway. The others followed about 1/2 hour later. Lucky wasn’t sure about the water in the creek at first but it appears I created a monster!  He just wanted to walk. The creek in Big Valley is only about ankle deep but I somehow managed to find a spot 4 feet deep. Only with one foot so I was trying to hang onto the dog and not fall all the way in. Thankfully Trin was behind me and took Lucky and there was a tree trunk on the bank that I was able to pull myself out with. When it was time to leave Lucky didn’t want to go but as soon as we got him in the car he lay down on the blanket and fell sound asleep. Jim had to wake him up when we got home. He went into the house and flopped on the floor and is still asleep!  I envy him cause he had me walking a long way today. I could use a hot bath and an early bed time. The others went to another friend’s house when we left so Jim and I are sitting outside right now and vegging. I already told them to have another fire tonight and just ignore us when we go to bed. And now you are up to date on me. I think the company is leaving on Friday so we will at least have the weekend before Trin’s grad. It is only going to be a drive through ceremony but Trin has a beautiful dress for the event and she is so excited to be graduating and that “Gramma and Grampa” (us) are going to be there. So how can you say no to someone so excited and happy. We should all let small things make us happy. 

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