Sunday, June 27, 2021

Turfing clothing

 I don't think David has worn his suit since Amber's wedding.  Any fancier events I've been to over the past few years have including almost every variety of clothing, so I really don't think it matters anymore.  A nice pair of trousers, and a shirt with a collar, and a man is just fine for anything but an audience with the Queen.  I haven't worn a skirt in 30-40 years.  Even at Amber's wedding, my outfit was a trouser suit, although the trouser legs were so wide, I was probably the only one who knew.  It looked very much like a floor length, formal outfit.

Generally we both make do with black jeans, which we replace when they start to fade, although in my case they just get relegated to being studio clothes--not to be worn off the property.  And we both wear T-shirts--some a little fancier than others, and I have several cardigans to wear over them, in cooler, or cold, weather.

This all sort of backfired on me when I re-gained weight.  All of my larger jeans had been turfed ( to the thrift store), and we had to buy some new.  But the ones we bought were cheap--Walmart or Superstore.  We've also minimized most other similar things.  Two sets of sheets for each bed.  About 8 bath towels, as they are only washed every second or third week.  Same with tea towels.

I over did it today, and desperately needed a nap about 3:30.  I went to bed and died for about 1 1/2 hours.  But my fancy quilt is marked and sandwiched ready to start quilting.  I'm really excited about this.  Unfortunately, I'm being forced to take it easy this evening, and David having a bad day as well.  He doesn't have them often, but when they occur he is capable of very little,  I think he slept poorly last night and hope it goes better tonight.

My Quesada making continues.  This time I'm using 10" flour tortillas.  This makes the job somewhat easier, and the result is more satisfying.  Tomorrow I'm going to try adding a bit of cooked chicken to the mix.  I'm also experimenting with adding a thin layer of salsa to the inside of the tortilla before adding the chopped veggies and cheese, sort of like putting tomato sauce on a pizza, rather than piling it on after cooking.  This only works well if the filling doesn't leak out while the thing is cooking, but is much easier to eat.

And now for evening activities.  Stay safe.

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