Friday, June 4, 2021

Hot doesn’t quite cover it

 I’m not sure where the official weather report takes it’s readings, but earlier today it said it was 33c out. All our thermometers said it was already 39c.  And it got warmer!  The dog and I went for a walk at 7:15am but I still only wore shorts and a tank top. We deliberately went into town so that we could sit in the air conditioned car for a while. All our meals for the last few days have been salads and cold meat. We might have to BBQ something for tomorrow. I should have bought potato chips and hamburger buns today. Oh well. Another excuse to sit in the car. It is really kind of depressing to look around and see nothing but dead lawn. We even have some trees that are struggling to have leaves come out. I have some flowers in pots but they are still close to the house. Our rain barrels are both down to the dregs so I haul the water from the house. Our garden well pump stopped working so we have the garden hoses hooked to the house. That means I have no water hoses near the house so it is back and forth from the inside with watering cans for the flowers. I still have some herbs and tomatoes to plant but it is so hot and dry I am keeping them close to the house for now. We keep hoping but it appears there is no end in sight for this drought. Jim and I used to go to the legion or shopping to get air conditioning. Now none of those options are open so I am heading outside in search of a shady, breezy, spot to sit. Keep your fingers crossed😊

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