Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Hi you guys....

 We must all be just rolling with the flow as time has passed since Pati's post so here I am with a bit of chatter.  I like to play some CD music on the computer while I work away here in the kitchen area and had to turn it off to log onto this site but it was playing a CD called Guitar Magic and the second song is the old classic Apache. Of course it brings back memories of long ago and I cannot help but dance around - great fun and a real boost in the morning haha! Good news - I have a hair cut appointment for July 3 at 9 am. The salon had a sign on the window reading Open July 2 Call for an appointment. So you guessed it, I called. And the best timing as well ( not really as i needed to have a cut three months ago ) as on July 4 we are obliged to participate in a Drive By Car Parade past Harry's sisters place in Huntsville to celebrate her grandson's First Birthday. This is a family that has gone all out ( I would say overboard) in promoting their dear son and grandson - every day something on Facebook and pictures up the ying yang of the poor dear boy. We have to decorate our car when we gather at a designated spot with other invited participants to join into the Parade. There will be an opportunity to drop off a card or gift at the end of the driveway when we go past and we are to honk and wave etc. They also want us to create some message or other to put into a time capsule for him to open on his 18th Birthday. Sound like fun... NOT!

Today I have to pick up Daisy's granddaughter to take her shopping in town as their car broke down and they have no way to get around ( they live about a mile out of town ). She called me to help out and of course i agreed. I believe they are making some contingency plans for the rest of the week as there is no time frame for the car repairs. The son is in Toronto still minding their house and overseeing the Hair Salon she owns ( closed now for Covid) but he goes in to collect mail and make sure everything is OK, and in my opinion I think he could have driven up to help up - the daughter in law and granddaughter are with Daisy here in Sundridge. But, who am I too express my opinion haha!

So time to get on with the agenda for the day. This includes a drive to the next town of South River to pick some rhubarb that was offered to us ( actually Harry put in a request on the Facebook ). Our's produced only a bit this year - not a good year I guess - and Harry would like some more jam made hence the need for more rhubarb. You can just imagine the next steps right.....a truck load of rhubarb for Beth to manage haha!

Hope all is well....take care and be safe out there.

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