Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Be - If its Tuesday..

..we must have gone to North Bay. Thats right, another trip to town is in the books. Not too bad a day either, as I did OK at violin, and we had a coffee and chat at Mikes. One of his work buddies who lives in Sturgeon Falls about 40 km west of North Bay is going to move in with Mike - it is a two bedroom apt so they can each have their own bedroom and share the rest of the areas (and split the rent $) His buddie has been driving back and forth so it will make it easier for him, and I think Mike could use the company. He is used to having friends over all the time. Mike will have to move his stuff out of the spare room though so his bedroom will now be filling up as evidenced today with shelves and boxes already making their way into his bedroom. His animals and their cage (3 degus) will be moved into the dining room. I went into two furniture stores today looking for a cabinet to hold china ( not a china cabinet) We have platters, and bowls, and others pieces that need to find a place other than on the fridge, or on top of the kitchen cupboards. I don't know what would work, but it has to be wide enough to store platters 16 inches in diameter and every cabinet I saw today is too narrow. I did see a gorgeous side board that I loved but of course it is too big for the small space I have available, and out of my price range totally! But I enjoyed the looking and the dreaming. I also had to go into Bank to activate a new "chip" client card I got in the mail. Now I don't like to think that I am stupid, but all these newish techy things are getting a bit much - the teller had to stop me from trying to "swipe" it, to instead stick it into the bottom of the machine, and gave me that "I don't believe this women" kind of look. Or maybe I just imagined the look because I was feeling so totally inept! Anyway, I managed to complete all that was necessary, and so when the next chip replacement card arrives from another bank, I shall be prepared and confident. Thinking about your nice new socks and hoping they helped you sleep better Patty, and hope you get those lines memorized Cathy. Take care.

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