Monday, January 10, 2011


Expecting the ladies of Ravenesque tonight and was tidying the basement. Tripped over the vacuum and fell. Really fell! Off to the hospital, where, after many pain-inducing activities ( you try to get a long-sleeved t-shirt off over your head, plus an undershirt and bra, while sitting in wheelcair, and while refusing to move your left arm away from your body) they decided that nothing was broken, but probably torn ligaments. I also ended up with exactly the same bloody friction burn, in exactly the same spot on my left knee. The old one hadn't really even healed yet!!
So here I sit with my left arm in a sling, hurts like the devil, trying to type with one hand. David has been great. HeeHee! Earlier this morning he had been complaining about wanting something to break the routine.
The bad news, of course, is that there will be long term ramifications in terms of my sewing. We'll have to see how that works out.

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